Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A New Year, A New Record

"Our publicity worked. No spammage of black and white posters hanging around the school. No waste of paper. Just recycling bins and toilet posters reminding ppl to swtich off the lights when they are done."

The Chairperson of Raffles One Earth has just informed Veritas Post that One Earth has recruited 127 new j1s this year, and 3 new j2s, bring the total strength of One Earth to 127 + 29 = 156 total members.

Sending a resounding statement to news agencies including Veritas Post, the Chairperson of Raffles One Earth, HC, also mentioned that One Earth's "unique publicity turned out extremely well. We have proceeded from eradicating ignorance of the student population to generating support and enthusiasm from students and teachers."

"We pasted our logo on recycling bins. We pasted about 100 A3 sized posters in the toilet, without even mentioning our club's name. We put 3 huge recycling bins right smack in the canteen. Who on Earth will ever do that if we don't?"

Indeed, HC's bold rhetoric cannot be considered as sweeping claims. Back by testimonials from teachers and students alike, indeed, we can see that Raffles One Earth is in the midst of gaining more recognition and prominence within and outside RJC, indicating a sign of good things to come. Within RJC, we hear the Dean of Student Development expressing her "pleasant surprise" when she saw the toilet light posters.

Very soon, the massive campaign ThingsYouCanDo will also bring the attention of environmental issues to secondary school students all around Singapore. From Dunman High School to Boon Lay Secondary, tens of thousands of youths around Singapore will join hands and be empowered to protect Mother Earth through '7 Easy Green Habits'.

Nevertheless, HC expressed much frustration when confronted with news that even SOME (next issue: Why are some teachers still ignorant of popular trends? Are they truly so deeply engaded in their textbooks that they cannot seem to absorb social happenings? A Professor speaks to us) teachers (supposedly spreaders of knowledge, professors of wisdom) were not even aware that Raffles One Earth exists. HC says, in a defiant yet calm manner,"It is not our fault that ignorance still exists in the far corners of society. We believe that what we are doing will convert even the most thick headed skulls into greener beings. We are eradicating ignorance here." HC added that he will be meeting this particular teacher over coffee to have a chat.

HC added that he wishes to thank all his friends for their support. His friends who are OGLs brought their J1s to his booth, while some of his friends and EXCO helped out in the preparation of the booth. "Everyone chipped in in one way or another, and for that Raffles One Earth is deeply grateful for", HC said.

HC ended with one last statement to all of us. Speaking with a hoarse voice after an exhasutive day with his usual passion, the fiery youth expressed his views firmly, "The time for environmental issues has come. It's time for competent leadership to rise."

Next issue: Check out HC's views, frustrations and optism for the future of RJC and One Earth. Exclusively on Veritas Post.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Station games with siang huat was fun... i always feel confortable talking to large groups of people... maybe it's a gift... maybe it's a curse

After school Alex and I did some very daring and bold. There is a rationale behind our actions and we had to take the calculated risk.

Thanks Fransisco once again for your time and dedication.
my pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!