Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Recently a MP mentioned in Parliament to introduce more social activities in schools, specifically for the secondary and tertiary institutions, so as to tackle the problem of the low fertility rate in Singapore. Here's a quick breakdown:
1. More social activities will allow members of the opposite sex to get to know each other more.
2. Knowing each other more will enable them to get into BGRs.
3. Establishing BGRs early will enable earlier marriages.
4. Earlier marriages would translate into the woman having a longer fertility period (since a woman at age 24, married would have more years to reproduce than a woman at age 34, married)
5. Longer fertility periods would promise more children.

Good proposal, bad idea. The whole concept is flawed. Let me explain why:
1. True.
2. Ya rite (I hope you can feel the sarcasm).OK, so this MP says that he met his wife in school. Good for you, but so what? I am not interested in your private affairs, thank you. Do not commit hasty generalisation.
3. Have you ever heard of the extremely common phrase Breaking up?
4. Generally true, but this is not tackling the mindset of the women. The problem in Singapore is not about the late marriages, but rather the mindset of the women in Singapore. If they want to have children, they will settle down early. If they do not wish to have children, they can get married at 18 but the babies will just not arrive.
5. Longer fertility period would just mean that the body can promise more children. The mind cannot promise children unless it wants to.

Social activities should not be organised with such an intention or agenda. I strongly advocate against the idea of BGRs in schools. Let me tell you why:
1. Friendships will be affected. More time for girlfriend/boyfriend = less time for buddies.
2. Studies will be affected. Sometimes for the better. Majority of the time for the worse.
3. Breakups affect you. And your poor father, mother and brother have to spend all night worrying about you. And your brother has to think of ways to confront that moron to get back for you.
4. Energy, time, money will be lost. Sometimes for moments of acute ecstasy. Majority of the time for nothing.
5. Rejection will hurt. Badly.
6. You will get over puppy love over time, but if you lose a good friend, that's it. Honestly, you should never sacrifice philia for eros.

Think about it. Which of the following gives you more jubilation: Straight As or a nice girl/boyfriend? It's up to you to decide what's best for yourself.

Let me quote you a motto from my professor: Single but unavailable. Applicable for use for all students. Use it wisely. No offence to all couples.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with 5. "The mind cannot promise children unless it wants to."

But I, for one, would rather have a nice bf rather than straight As.

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