Friday, April 27, 2007


My MSN nick now is ahhhh. sorry i just checked. it's not ahhhh. its ahhhhh. Count the no. of hs. Ok sorry I'm lame. Must be the chem lecturer spreading the infection of lameness.

Anyway, why ahhhhh?
1. ah can mean I understand, as in, nodding my head and saying ah.
2. ah can mean I am super sick and frustrated with this world, and I need to scream!
3. ah can mean relieve. As in ah after drinking a super nice cup of hot honey.

I think the women in my family are a bit siao. Crazy. Last night I went with my parents to NTUC and my mum was super slow as usual. I wonder how my dad can stand her. I share the same policy as my dad, which is, pick and go. But my mum, she's crazy. When buying light bulbs she spent 15 min choosing, and in the end my dad came and decided in 1 min. And I just stoned there with the cart.

Then we went over to buy some towels (all inside one gigantic NTUC). My mum spent another 5 min choosing 3 towels that cost $1 each. She had to examine that every individual thread of the towel must be intact. Then in the end my dad came over and pointed out there's an offer and another brand of towels cost $1.60 for 3. So my mum spent another 5 min putting back her original 3 towels and chose another 3 towels. And I just stoned there with the cart.

And my sis and my mum are crazy. This morning after breakfast they were arguing about my sis coming home late last night at 2.30 and not calling back to tell my mum, argue argue so much for so long, then my mum say that recently some girls were raped and those kinda news which she memorises from reading too much New Paper and the Chinese tabloids, then my sis was like "....", each dot representing some profound female language. Then now, after the argument came to no conclusion because i am pretty sure my sister will come home after 12 next friday, they suddenly became best friends again and now they are looking at my sister's clothes and talking about going shopping on labour day. I am like what the hell. What kind of diplomacy textbook do you use man? Should seriously recommend to Bush and the Iranian president and Kim Jung Il.

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