Sunday, April 8, 2007


I don't if I would ever cycle on the road again- This morning, the car which I was riding in almost collided into an arrogant cyclist. For the cyclist, he was lucky, for he almost, single-handedly, caused a car (which had to swerve to avoid him) to collide into a bus.

Jerome told me a story in six words: For sale, babies shoes, never worn.

Lets say a beggar goes begging. Taking out a mat, he sits and starts to shake his tin can. 50 people walk pass him in one minute, for it is a very busy street. 50% of the people are feeling generous, and they throw in something. Let's assume, that the average amount given per generous person is $0.25. That means that 25 people will give him a total of $6.25 per minute. For every hour he sits, the beggar's tin can accumulates a sum of $375. The beggar sits for 10 hours. At the end of the day, he has earned $3750. Newspapers report that Nina Wang, Asia's richest woman, spends $528 a month. The beggar has just secured his living for the next 7 months.

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