Sunday, June 3, 2007

cycling on the runway

Today was the national runway cycling day, an annual event organised by safra and ssc etc. So as a cycling enthusiast, i went ahead to participate in the 45 km endurance challenge. Might as well, since I am gonna cycle to Paris, France one day. I have been planning my Paris trip for years already. Those who are interested in sponsoring my trip can contact me thru email anytime. I will need at least S$30,000. Thanks.

Anyway, back to the national runway cycling. So I woke up at 630, went to check my bike, check the tyres, check the brakes, check the seat, check the gears, check the chain. So at 830, I was at the starting point of the 45 km challenge. I was feeling quite owned because everywhere i turn my head, I see some hardcore cyclists in their helmets, shades, tights and colourful professional attires. Dunno whether can make it.

Prof S Jayakumar was the guest of honour. 830 flag off.

Pedal pedal pedal. Cannot too hardcore at the beginning.

Was feeling quite tired out of a sudden. Then i looked up. OMG. Distanced travelled: 3km. 15x more to go. Changed gear ratio to a slacker one. This is going to be one hell of a ride.

5km. After cycling for so long, only 5km??!!?? Water break. 1/3 of a lap completed. I just realised that the runway is freaking long.

As i cycled and cycled, I wanted to give up. Then i thought of the end point. I thought of my ultiate destination, paris. I thought of lance armstrong. and i continued to pedal under the burning sun.

Along the way i saw ppl fainting. Ppl injured, falling down. Lovers holding hands and skating. Ah pehs cycling past me. And I just pushed on.

The third and final lap was the most hardcore. At that time, I have already been cycling for 2 hours. My butt hurts like some roti prata. My hands are numb from grabbing the handles for too long. Got dust flying into my eyes. And the worst.... my thighs, which have been propelling me forward for 40 plus km already. Sweating dripping onto my thighs evaporated immediately. My nose had mucus cos of my cold. And i was feeling pissed cos I was lagging behind those hardcore cyclists. 5 more km. Can make it one.

Determination. Never say die.

As I collected the last lag tag from the air force guy, I seriously wanted to just cry. But i couldn't. Was to exhausted to even tear. I just dismounted and collapsed into the nearest chair.

45 km route, I have defeated you.

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