Friday, March 21, 2008

some reflections

Just decided to share this video with you guys.

Last night my dad cried. he cried over this video. at first he came into my room and muttered something which sounded incoherent to me.

i was thinking, dad can you go away, i'm listening to barack obama on youtube.

then he started to get emotional. he said he watched some video and he cried over it. then he started to explain to me what the video is all about but i couldnt get him cos he was speaking real soft and i was only listening with one ear with the other ear (in earphones) analysing the words of obama.

but he started to get emotional i was a bit worried. in fact quite worried. but couldnt do anything abt it.

i've only seen my dad cry once before in my whole entire life. that was at my grandma's funeral. dominant male type. 'crying are for wimps' type of male creature. so when he started to get soggy and red in the sockets i was worried.

i'm the type of person who gets freaked out when someone gets emotional. which i why i freaked out when i read about myself somewhere. i freaked out when my sis cried. or when my mum cries. or when my friend cries. damn freaked out. can't we laugh instead?

so that's the video which made my dad cry. well, i would say the video is not bad.
1.can you imagine yourself when you're like old? and then probably you'll forget your wonderful friends who you have around you now? You wun meet them everyday anymore. There will be no more school, each of you will walk different paths.

2.the video is quite good in the sense that it's quite real. one construction worker, one chef, one henpecked husband and the main character finally meeting after so long. shit it's really quite touching la.

3. my dad probably cried cos he was once a musician and he probably misses his old friends. well dad, go call them up and ask them out for a drink or smthg.

4.I really cannot imagine a reunion in 15 years time. but i am not going to live in the future, or the past. i'm loving the present and everyone should too.


Anyway just now had a good chat with a few friends online. Havent been online since dunno when. But feels so good to see the orange light blinking furiously at the bottom of the screen. hahaha. and feels good to have good convos :)

Not going to talk much. Just remember - be it 15 years, 30 years whatever, we will always be good friends... and we will have a reunion. many reunions of course.

In my predictions i did not predict my own future. Gen sam, with his usual authority, questioned:

Gen sam: why didnt you? If you cant predict yourself how can you predict your own future?
HC: cos i can observe others but i cant observe myself you _____head
Gen sam: -.-' you fackier
HC: you expect me to observe myself in the mirror all day long meh? you ___ head.

Sometimes I ask myself why i have a friend like samuel soh chih yuan. Since the day i met him i tot he had some circuits wrong up there. But honestly speaking i think he is a good man, just like all my buddies.

I wrote that samuel will be a henpecked husband but i actually meant that he will be a doting husband and loving father. hahahah. sounds incredible at this moment. He may be rude most of the time, and also quite slack at most times, and so obsessed with gym and reproduction that sometimes he's quite irritating. he's also very liberal with his language and his hand gestures. soemtimes i wish i could gag samuel and tie yix up. those 2 can drive you nuts.

but look at what he has done for the people around him.

for me, he took up thingsyoucando public relations which was the most demanding job in my opinion. he sacrificed.

he bakes cakes. some girls these days cant even enter the kitchen without contributing massively to global warming yet our dear samuel, aspiring general of the armed forces of the republic of singapore bakes cakes.

he does not boast. other than boasting about the size of his organs (which is still unprovened), he does not boast. quite amazing for a man.

he has the ability to make ppl around him happy. not many ppl can. ppl either emo to you or look gloomy all day long or appear too serious all too often but dear samuel acts stupid all day long to make ppl smile.

he is not overly competitive. in rj, we all too often see ppl being too competitive, setting high expectations of themselves and wanting to win win win. in the end, they just lose out, even if they win. samuel just wants to be himself. thats why i love playing risk with samuel. he never suans me if i am losing. he just asks me to do soemthing obscene that's all. he'll never go suanning ppl over how little soldiers you have left.

anway, nice convo with you samuel. good night, and good luck. and you're welcome.

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