Tuesday, June 30, 2009


When i was in OCS, there were many WTF moments which kept us going. Whenever we saw something WTF, whether in facebook, or in civilian life, or elsewhere, we would share these experiences with our section and platoon mates, and talk about these WTF moments outfield, or during free time, etc.

These WTF moments were what kept my section going during tough times. We would, if we could, shout in unison, "WTF" out loud together. These WTF moments united us. These WTF moments bonded us. These WTF moments made us realise how lucky we were to have each other.

I shared this WTF moment with my section. I found it on facebook, the discussion topic was: First reaction on getting in (to NUS Med). Some spoilt female brat wrote this:

I was in Shanghai when the package came.

My dad called to say "My darling girl... The NUS letter says: We regret to inform you that we are not able to offer you a place in YYLSoM."

"WHAT?! You mean I'm stuck with being a lawyer for the rest of my life? WHAT?! Are you serious..........? *tears start welling up in my eyes already*



"Nono. You're gonna be Dr. Han in 5 years time!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" I was at Grand Hyatt. I jumped, screamed and burst out in tears on the spot. And the Jap waiter came to give me many many napkins >.<

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