Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Apparently, some people really lack the basic emotional quotient to accept the success of various more outstanding individuals. As a result, they post articles on their tiny paltry little minute microscopic (circulation = himself only) blogs trying to put down the success of these more outstanding individuals. Thankfully these individuals have numerous allies to help them spot such slanderous remarks.

As a gracious person, I will take it in my stride. However, many people came down to my law office insisting that a lawsuit be filed to protect their reputation. Hence, the lawsuit will be filed and argued out in a court of law. The plaintiff, CYJ, represented by HC, will sue TT (aka Terry) for actual damages and punitive exceeding $250,000. We will sue till you cry out loud for your impertinence! Of course, we would not be expecting much actual damages since the circulation is controlled and negligible. It would be a different story with the punitive charges though.

TT, let me give you a warning. Do not, ever, provoke an angry lawyer and his pissed-off client and their army of allies. We outnumber and easily beat you in all aspects. My client will not accept any form of settlement. We advise you to delete your comments with immediate effect. We strongly encourage you to post a formal announcement of apology. We are warning you directly that you better be discreet with your choice of words. We strongly suggest that you better evolve to be a more disciplined blogger or face the wrath of more lawsuits. Evolve or die indeed!

Let this serve as a deterrence to all those big mouths out there who believe that freedom of speech is a natural entitlement. NO it is not. Failure to be wise with word usage will result in consequences beyond imagination.

Requiescant in pace, Terry! May your arrogance perish with your soul.

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