Wednesday, March 7, 2007

People, groups and things that matter. To me.

In order to provide a good read, Veritas Post will adopt an innovate approach in delivering the truth. Official posts will be titled ISSUE x, where x represents a Roman numeral. Unofficial posts will be titled randomly, for example, this post.

HC's main sources of influence in life:
1. Mum and Dad. Obviously.
2. Mr Soo, Mr Tan, Mr Lim, Mr Eng, Dr Chionh and Ms Yong.
3. Friends. The list goes on forever.
4. All my relatives basically, but more importantly, Ah Mah, Nai-nai, Cek-cek, Lao Sim, the lawyer, and Gong-gong.
5. John Grisham.
6. Al Gore.

HC's main sources of inspiration:
1. Mr Yeo.
2. Atticus Finch.
3. The Founding Fathers of Singapore.
4. The Founding Fathers of The United States, esp Jefferson and Franklin.
5. Capt Jack Sparrow.
6. Undercover cops in Hong Kong gangster films.
7. Manchester United Football Club.
8. Boeing 777, B747-400, Airbus 340 and A380. The iron birds themselves.
9. Socrates and his protege, Plato. Wise men who pretend to be fools so that they can pursue more wisdom, that divine and elusive goal. They were definitely not fools. Socrates was a courageous man.
10. Mum and Dad.

Amazing not a single fella from TIME's 100 most influential list. What does this prove? Koizumi may be influential to the editors of TIME, but not to me. George Bush can go to war all he wants, but his decisions pales in comparison with Mum's decision to have war with me. Hugo Chavez can create all the instability he wants in latin America, but what's more important to me is Mr. Yeo's health. And al-Zawahiri may appear menacing in his videotapes, but I would rather watch Jack Sparrow anytime. Ahmadinejad may hog headlines, but any slight injury to Man Utd's Paul Scholes sure sounds more significant to me.

Remember, the people who influence or inspire you need not be heros or headline-hoggers. The most significant people are the people who matter most to you.


Steven said...

Philosophers are not fools.
Honestly go and read up more on them before considering them as fools.

HC said...

Sorry prof. I never meant that. Veritas post has edited the structure of that particular sentence. I admire the work of philosophers very much. Philosophers are wise men who pretend to be fools to pursue more wisdom.

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