Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ok. I shall try blogging with this screwed up blogger. Obviously I have not blogged for 1 week, which is quite long. stupid blogger is seriously screwed.

If my life could turn out my way, I wish it turns out my way. Firstly, I graduate with good results, which gets me into flying school. From flying school, I get promoted to be a first officer, then captain of a nice aircraft like A380 or B777. But I think by that time the B777s will be replaced by B787s.

Then after i retire after something like 10,000 flight hours, I will go into sailing. At this time I should be around 40. Not too old. I will buy a nice sailing vessel and sail around the world, visiting exotic ports. Get some sun, a nice tan, visit beaches (dun think dirty). How nice. Maybe I will go sailing with Zhuang, a 'sort-of' potential skipper of uniquely singapore.

After 5 years of sailing, I shall stop sailing. Sailing too much is bad for health. You drink too much alcohol when you sail. seriously. And you pick up smoking. which was what my grandfather did when he sailed. he smoked and he drank. Beer, rum, whisky, brandy, stout. XO and Johnnie Walker. But never wine. Wine and cocktails and those colourful stuff in fancy glasses are for sissies. Real man drink real stuff.

At 45, I shall enrol into law school. Very nice. I shall specialise in criminal law, open a private firm, earn not too much but I will be happy slamming tables and throwing files around. Need to protect the innocent, ya? Need to blast those rich lawyers who get their juniors and suborbs to write stuff for them, and earn a shit lot for carrying their names. Need to inflict some damage on their fat egos.

After 10 years of praticing law, I shall venture into academics. Get a phD. very nice, being a lecturer. Do research, shape young minds, share my life story. How nice.

Then after all that work, time to rest in peace. Maybe travel the world a bit more before dying. Provided the world still exists. Global warming will kill us all.

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