Saturday, June 30, 2007


SAT stands for saturday, not the reasoning test.

Saturday started with me talking to a couple of drunk guys about planes, the future, and some sick stuff on msn. One very vibrant convo I must add. Sam told me about some US spy plane called the Lockheed SR 71 blackbird. apparently, the blackbird can sustain flights at 3.3 mach!!!!!!! According to wiki, The aircraft's defense was its high speed and operating altitude; if a surface-to-air missile launch was detected, the standard evasive action was to simply accelerate. Simply accelerate. I wonder if the pilots of this plane age less quickly than other people cos if they travel so fast, time slows for them right? Relativity.

Yesterday I cycled to Macritchie from my home. I learnt 2 things:
1. Lim Bo Seng, the war hero, was already a major general at age 35 when he was killed by the Jap forces. That's quite pro. I paid my respects to him at his memorial at the reservior. He was a brave man, a true Rafflesian.

2. Some Singaporean drivers just deserve some fist cake. Especially women drivers who DON'T KNOW HOW TO STEER and male drivers who DON'T KNOW HOW TO BRAKE!!!! Singapore roads are a hazard to all cyclists out there, regardless of age, experience or skill. Of course, not all drivers are lousy. I said some.

Just came back from somerset. Then my mum called me from orchard. Then sam soh and zhuang called me from orchard. I just came back dudes. Need some rest.

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