Sunday, July 1, 2007

recurring nightmares

I have been replaying the album minutes to midnight by linkin park for days already, ever since I watched transformers.

last night, while I was on the train back home at around 10.03, I looked around at my fellow singaporeans. Different races, different ages, different education levels. Then i imagined what if a bomb just exploded right here, right in front of me. Try reading this while you play hands held high (found in the video below). Then feel it. Feel the song while you think of war and chaos.

Many people never seen people die before. Die right in front of them. Me too. and precisely because of that, they make stupid decisions. Now, please note that countries have a ministry/department of defence, but never a ministry of offence. Countries should never engage in warfare unless they are attacked. So was the US right in going to war? Maybe. maybe they were right. They were attacked. But the problem is, are they retaliating correctly? are they fighting the right people? at times, I hate Bush. at times, I pity him. Because if he doesnt do anything, people will find him a coward. a coward that refuses to fight back after 911. But he has done something, and the people are cursing him. Either way, he had no choice.

Back to the MRT. There are many people. People minding their own business. a couple perhaps getting to close for comfort. many asleep on the seats. many talking. just minding their own business. Now, shoud a bomb blow up, can you imagine the chaos? I couldn't. I didn't dare to.

I was having recurring nightmares. It was freaky. A few months ago, I had a nightmare. it involved a ghost, a girl who was raped, and a man and a dog. And I was the investigator. Oh now i remember when exactly did i have this nightmare. It was after watching 956 (korean horror flick) with muhd and tze. anyway, i just forgot about this stupid nightmare.

But today, it replayed again, exactly the same thing. There were 2 sisters. Very pretty girls. But i didnt have a good look at their faces. the dream was happening too fast. They met this (rich) man. This man is wicked. He raped one of them. The other sister doesnt know what happened. she continued to be friendly with the man. Meanwhile, the man killed the boyfriend of the sister. the boyfriend became a dog, and came back to warn the other sister about the man. Then there was a ghost. This ghost could change faces. Then I woke up. The scene where the dog came to find the sister was too long. It took up too much time. I could not sustain sleep until the story ended. But I was freaked out. And in between the dream, H3 popped out. You know, H3 for a levels?

Although i was having this dream in bright daylight at home, i was still scared. Firstly, because the dream happened before. Secondly, there are construction works happening nearby my house, and strange noises keep coming from it. Thirdly, there were dog barking. There are a lot of dogs in my neighbourhood. fourthly, there's this gaint poster of a jack sparrow in black clothes, surrounded by mist, at the foot of my bed, and the first thing which I saw when i woke up were his long hair. I was so scared, i woke drenched with sweat, despite the fan blowing directly at me. I wanted to take off my clothes and squeeze out the sweat (not joking), then I remembered from a russell lee book that spirits like to attack bare bodies first. I didnt dare to remove my tshirt. I was so scared, I lied on my bed for 10 minutes, shivering. The whole house was quiet, sis sleeping, door locked. mum downstairs, not making a sound. dad out. for once, I missed noise.

I wanted to fall asleep again, so that the story can continue and i can find out what happened next (I forgot the ending from the same dream from last year).But i couldnt. Maybe later, when i sleep, the dream will come back.

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