Wednesday, August 29, 2007

happy happy day

I am sooo touched and hapy today. So this entry is gonna be very detailed. I am write down every single detail so that i will never forget this wonderful day:)

i love my OG

My og is super evil, especially towards innocent people like me! When I went to school this morning, was feeling kinda sian cos of geog test. Then I went to the lodge, everything was looking normal as usual, didnt suspect a single thing. Lester doing his math or chem, evonna stoning, hilary doing tutorials, alex just talking around, doing nothing.

The Evonna started asking me questions about geog test. So i tried my best to answer lah. The Hilary was like, does anyone has a phone to lend me? Evonna started to (pretend to) search her bag. I was like, hmmm, ok, I lend you my phone! Took the phone out and then hilary went away. Well, according to alex, she was hiding behind the pillar all the time. Then slowly, the og ppl started coming. I mean like, ppl starting coming, and they havent came for a long time, so if they start appearing it must be something wrong rite? Yea. Ok, then i realised something was wrong.

They were waiting for cara, the most evil of the all to come. I really love my OGLs, they are having prelims now and dun really need to come to school cos they dun have h3, but cara came down! Shaf told me she would come down too, but she had to go airport and send her sister off or something, so she couldnt come! But anyways, thank you OGLs, though you are evil, you rock!

When they prepared eveything, they told me to close my eyes. So I did. Didnt want to spoil the surprise! When I heard val giggle i knew it was something evil liao.

Then Alex came and led me to the grass patch. Oh no. Alex said, on the count of 1 to 3, open your eyes. Oh no. 1,2,3! Oh no. Cold Cold. Packets of water bombs came crashing down on my vulnerable body. Even for a victim, I have to admit that it was fun:) Then alex brought me towel and a change of clothes. Thank you OG!

I love my class.

Physics was normal as usual, Mr se as usual arrowing me, but it doesnt matter. Then came the break. Oops.

For what happened at the parade square, we shall watch a video. However, the video is with gen sam. I was telling gen sam, his phone is so precious with all the videos and unforgettable memories, the band of brothers must ensure that it is never lost. After 2 years of JC, we must compile a video of all the videos we took in school, and we will cry in memory of the good times. Yix gaying, the geog guys dancing and singing in the lt, tricks of opening the toilet, and so many pcitures.

What happened next really really reallyyyyy touched me, I cant say in adequately in words. Perfect ten was paying friends forever just now, and i really must say, i love my love love my class! The girls made a birthday corner for me:) Sam Soh baked a cake! And the class lit up the cake with so many candles, it was so pretty!

After day we went back to class and took a class photo, with my face still covered with chocolate cake! Mr Lim was walking past and he helped take the class photo and he said to ms chan, this class doesnt seem to be in the promo mood. hmmmm, we are taking a break, mr lim! We wun disappoint you in promos:) And thank you all the teachers who wished me happy birthday- mrs cheang, ms chan, mr lim, mr (sexy baby) cheang, and mr se (mr se got a not huh? nvm, you rock too)

I love my frens, my brothers, my homies.

Thanks muhd for the frisbee and the ball. Thanks homies for the ball tshirt. It was really thoughtful of you guys. Although you guys have jacked, screwed, suanned, poked fun and did almost every terrible to me, we will still be homies forever. And thanks everyone who smsed me. Muhd, nick, yu jun, qi han, shi da, hilary, kevin "the rat" (the world became a better place 17 years ago, yea!), adrian (who suggested a cake but whose idea was rejected by the evil og that prefered water bombs - good luck for your german prelims!), shaf, ben, chong min - i hope i didnt forget anyone! And also thanks everyone who wished me while walking past - i cant remember all. I remember Arvind, the 4F ppl, the One Earth ppl, and so many other ppl who i just happen to know. And thanks y sum for the card.

And thanks mum and dad. Mum for giving birth to me, and dad for playing a part in the process. And sis too, i know you took care of me for 17 years.

Today was a good day.

Geog test finally over. Got into Oteam, but zhuang didnt get in, man its really unfair and wasted. Physics wasnt that bad, muhd got 25/25 imba please?

I felt the same way when isle results came out, was really sad and even angry. But it doesnt matter. We here with you zhuang. Joanne lei and myself got it for 6Q. When i felt the full brunt of injustice, I came out with my initiative for a self-initiated isle to Nepal and I bet its gonna be better than the boring ones that the school has been doing for years. Yawn. Nepal rox. Now I'm working with Ms Lim to design the programme, and I am gonna to only accept the isle rejects. So when we face injustice, the trick is not to feel sorry for yourself, but to fight back and show others what we are capable of! Yea. Life is unfair, but we can correct it. If Gandhi did it, why not me? moi? wo? watashi? Yes yes yes. 17 years and I have learnt much. Still much to learn though.

Tml got math test but i am hecking it. I still havent bathed and its 2310h. Yea, after school went for pastamania and swensens with yu jun, joel, zhuang and gen sam. And after that met up with alex and jason, went to somerset to meet with wilson for things you can do! This campaign is gonna rock some socks man. we are gonna help change the world for the better, no matter how small our difference!

Then after that went for dinner with mum dad and sis. I love you mum dad and sis. Sis drive the car back and mum and dad were having heart attacks. She just passed like 4 weeks ago and the standard of singapore drivers is really bad. I'm a cyclist and I know.

I feel happy and touched.

Smiles :)

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