Tuesday, August 28, 2007


the last week of every term is always the most hectic.

Anyway, mood has been improving, which is always good. On sun went to Ben's church on his invitation, though i have no religion, and understood a little bit more about the world. I'm always open. It's always good to see old friends. Met Chinks and Khar Suan there too, Singapore is amazingly small.

Sunday night watched man utd play spurs. frightening game, really. Was really hoping for a victory for the red devils, and we really did. Amazing goal from nani, robinson touched the ball but couldnt direct it away due to the sheer power of the shot.

Mum and Dad went to the wake of the SAF Capt today, apparently the Capt's dad is my dad's client. Makes me wonder (again and again), why is life so short?

When i saw charmander outside the canteen today, I thought about my primary school days when i was playing pokemon. whenever i play pokemon red version, i will always start with charmander. It seems that fire suits me the most. Arguably, squirtle the water guy is the strongest amongst the three, and bulbasaur the weakest. I still remember those days man.

5 years on, I hope I can look back and view my JC days with the same wonderful memories. Hmmm, I think I will:)

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