Sunday, August 5, 2007


Time is tight. Very tight. But i still wanna blog a bit. The freaking geog term paper is freaking tedious. AND UN website stinks. And I am not doing Japan cos All the freaking Jap websites are in Jap and I obviously cant read Jap!!!!

Anyway, yestersay went back to school for scholarship day. Actually there's not much point really, cos my reasoning is, if someone doesn't like a particular schoarship/career path, one day aint gonna change his/her mind. Note that i included a her this time cos i dun want anyone to say I'm a MCP, though i am a fervent supporter of the theory that promotes the fact that males have superior (physical and other) abilities as compared to their female counterparts.

I think my mum is more enthu than me when it comes to schoarships and stuff. dad too, but he was overseas yesterday. My mum was like cheonging all the booths. Lukily I didnt follow her around - she went with her friend. So i was like with ronald, then jing zhou, then bing liang, then deshawn, then aiyah cant say all, too many liao.

Anyway I think I made my mum cry, when I told her I may consider being a fighter pilot. Yesterday the captain told me that RSAF pilots can transit to SIA after the 10 year bond period, and be a SIA captain straight-away. and SIA pilots can fly till 62 years old. 62 years old!!! thats amazing!!!

I'm sorry mum, but can you see that I wun appreciate a nice 9am- 8pm desk bound job, unlike you and dad? I cant stand seeing numbers, accounts, words, proposals, documents every single day - I'll go crazy. You cant expect me to wear black leather shoes, black socks, black pants, black belt, long sleeve shirt, comb my hair neatly every day. I cant have this kinda job. Even if I have a job that requires me holding a pen daily, I want to travel overseas every once in a while. i want to go US for a conference this week, then to the middle east for a meeting the week after, and to europe for a presentation the month after.

When I grow up i may have to leave the country more often than you think, mum. I'ld want to go overseas for undergrad studies, thats for sure. Its not that I dun want to stay at home everyday, but I want to see the world. I'm born to travel. You passed on these travelling genes to me, they belonged to grand-dad, but were not present in you. Thats why I love geog so much.

I cant keep still, mum. I need to ride my bike, fly my kite, kayak, hike every once in a while. I need expeditions to keep myself alive.

Mum you dun have to worry that I will leave you alone when you're old, cos i wun ever do that. And besides, Sis will be in Singapore. She aint the travelling type. She likes the notion of a home. If I'm away, she can keep you company. And you'll have dad beside you. and besides again, you and dad can go on romantic holidays when both of you have retired. Enjoy the cottages of Wales, the castles of Germany, the beaches of Spain, the temples of Greece, the mountains in China, the pyramids of Eygpt. That time, when you travel, I'll pay.

1 comment:

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