Wednesday, August 8, 2007

National day

lol, today i woke up at 1.30pm, so i couldnt go out to orchard with the class. sorry dudes =/

anyway, i think i made a right decision 2 days ago, by not going for pulau sibu yet. cos if i went, i would have missed this 5 day break and i would have gg-ed myself. beautiful.

yesterday was quite fun, even though me mark and yix had to cheong out the final formatting for pw wr 1st draft. After that, the whole bunch of us went around the school doing fun stuff. raffles believe it or not, food, ihc matches, staff pictionary, walking around the school joking and laughing, nice.

just now i went for the most screwed up cycling trip in my life. first, i wanted to cycle to bishan library because i found out that i owe the national library 2 books. halfway, the crank detached itself from my freaking screwed up bike. ok fine, its not too hard to repair. after all, i had no spanner, no hammer. then after that, after cycling every 100m or so, i had to disembark and repair the stupid crank. my both hands were black like tar. when i (finally reach bishan j8), and was parking the bike, i realised that i left the key of my lock behind. so i had to cycle back to braddell road and retrieve the stupid key. the journey back was even worse. for a trip that would normally take me 45 min, i took 2 hours. might as well walk.

last night i tried playing fm with my tottenham team, but kept losing to middlesbrough. then i tried playing flight sim, but failed my hawaiian checkout mission because i misread the altimeter. after flying for 45 min to reach the freaking destination, i CRASHED!!! fish.

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