Monday, October 22, 2007

a follow-up

After talking to cheang mun yoong on msn, i realise something. that he had tried his best for his students, although that fact alone cannot cover his incompetencies as a teacher.

A nice person he may be, a smart student he may be, he is not a good teacher. He lacks the basic qualities of a teacher, and that is understanding, patience and firm-ness when required.

He has given me the permission to say what I wish to say about him, and I will. I cannot blame him, as I have mentioned earlier. But if I could, I would wish to slap him.
3 hard times.

When I went back to him for consultation furing the Septemer holidays, I brought along a thick file of chem notes, filled with post-it notes. Siti and Jukie can testify for me. I went to him, humbled myself, asked him desperately to explain some important terms and concepts to me.

HC: Hey, can you please explain this for me?
CMY: no.

At that point of time, what else could I do? I was like a beggar, begging him for enlightenment, of which he dispensed little to me.

Compare that to Mr Koh, who patiently explained the questions to me when i went back for consultation before the CTs.

It is not his fault. He arranged for extra lessons, he tried to be serious, he spammed emails with notes, he planned extra questions, he bought chocolates. Maybe his style did not suit me or my class.

The bottomline is: I screwed my chemistry, a subject which I have absolutely no passion for, big time, and CMY is just coincidentally my chem teacher.

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