Sunday, December 30, 2007


I had wanted to write a long long post about 2007, but decided otherwise.

If you want to hear about issues, go yahoo and search bush, iran, iraq, saddam, terrorists, nuclear, natural disasters, ... or you may just type shit and all these stuff will appear immediately.

Of course, there's a lot to talk about climate change as well, but well, international herald tribute writes better than me.

2007 for me was a good year. and I will tell you why. now.

Because in 2007, i gained something very extremely important and valuable... and that's perspective.

Yea, i know, you must be thinking, what the hell is this idiot writing here? What is perspective?

Yea yea yea, you'ld rather think about that cute boy or cute girl in the opposite class... Oh I saw him this morning! ooh ohh!

Yea yea yea, you'ld rather think about Jay Chou is coming to town! And pawn off your mother's wedding ring to afford the tickets to his show...

Yea yea yea, some say Halo 3 is the most important thing in 2007. Or cry over Vista...

And of corse, there are some real important decisions to make throughout the year... Should I watch Book of Secrets or I Am Legend? Oh my... what an important decision.

Of course, none of the above matter much to me. For me, it's How on Earth did Man Utd lose to West Ham last night? And how on Earth did Ronald miss that penalty? And why on Earth did Fergie play Flectcher instead of Anderson?

And tyco chelsea just won against newcastle. crap.

Anyway, there's so much to cheer about in 2007!

Firstly, I was kicked out of ISLE back at the start of the year. Thank you hor, Mr Seah, for kicking me out of your prestigious prgramme. I am eternally grateful to you for giving me the chance to go to Germany (where I met great friends from around the world, 16 other countries, to be exact), to go to Japan (where I made friends with RJC students and managed to catch an idea of what university life overseas is about, and visit Disneyland (for the fifth time i am saying OMG that place is just fantastic, and i just love disneyland), and to go to Bali for an evironmental conference where i made more friends from around South East Asia. Of course, Germany and Bali really motivated me and gave me resolve.

So Thank you for kicking me out of your wonderful programme! (no offence to students to participated, just that sometimes, the adults p*** me off.)

And of course I am very very grateful to the wonderful (this time, I actually mean it) corporations, organisations, government and indviduals who nominated, recommended, selected, and sponsored me to go for these trips! Without these 3 trips, I would probably not gained the most important thing this year, which is 'perspective'.

Secondly, I found out that RJC is not as bad as it seems afterall...

The percentage of irritating people as cmpared to the entire student population is merely about 50%, which was way-off the initial estimation by me (80%)...

and although the school is really an institute where time-wasting, useless protocol observance and bureaucratic measures rank really really high (perhaps second only to governments), there is also lots of good stuff in the school. Stuff like what?

1. RISK, where i always enjoy seeing myself get thrashed or thrashing others
2. Drama and gossip(not performed by Raffles Players)
3. Celebrations (there's always something to celebrate, no matter what)
4. Sleeping during lectures (which I will try to not practice next year, it's one of my resolutions)
5. PW (it's finally over!)
6. Ice tea (better not be affected by inflation, i'm warning you, stall 2 auntie)
7. Opportunities (Ok this one's really true, this school is a place of opportunities)

As I flip back my calender before recycling it, there's actually not much stuff la... sometimes there are tests, sometimes SPA, sometimes Inter House Championship stuff, and a whole lot of events and celebrations.

But there's one thing that p*** me off. Mr Hodge said, guys, we want you to help the poorer students in the school who cannot afford the school fees. Yes sir! THEN WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU WILLING TO SPEND $30,000 ON NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATIONS? AND OH YA, BEFORE I FORGET, THERE'S ALSO TAKE 5! Oh my oh my? Where is the love, indeed...

Ok, Mr Hodge, you are a good principal and I will miss you, but i still cannot understand why are you willing to spend spend spend like that? Do you know that 30,000 means you can give 1,000 bucks to 30 deserving students?

But no, you choose instead to entrust the tax money of my papa and mama to a group of wise leaders called student councilors (no offence, really) to blow it away! In 3 hours, the money is gone!!

Yes yes, the performance was good. take 5 was wonderful. But to students who need to give tuition after school to pay for their lunch the next day, 1,000 bucks is better.

Which is why One Earth is commited to helping these folks. the proceeds of our MEGA jumble sale will be 100% directed to helping RJC students in need. We believe in social responsibility, heljng not just to protect Earth and it's finite resources, but making sure that people benefit from it as well.

Happy 2008! (Note, there's free breakfast on the first day of school! )

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