Tuesday, March 25, 2008

see that?

Monday, March 24, 2008

but winners never give up hope.

Friday, March 21, 2008

some reflections

Just decided to share this video with you guys.

Last night my dad cried. he cried over this video. at first he came into my room and muttered something which sounded incoherent to me.

i was thinking, dad can you go away, i'm listening to barack obama on youtube.

then he started to get emotional. he said he watched some video and he cried over it. then he started to explain to me what the video is all about but i couldnt get him cos he was speaking real soft and i was only listening with one ear with the other ear (in earphones) analysing the words of obama.

but he started to get emotional i was a bit worried. in fact quite worried. but couldnt do anything abt it.

i've only seen my dad cry once before in my whole entire life. that was at my grandma's funeral. dominant male type. 'crying are for wimps' type of male creature. so when he started to get soggy and red in the sockets i was worried.

i'm the type of person who gets freaked out when someone gets emotional. which i why i freaked out when i read about myself somewhere. i freaked out when my sis cried. or when my mum cries. or when my friend cries. damn freaked out. can't we laugh instead?

so that's the video which made my dad cry. well, i would say the video is not bad.
1.can you imagine yourself when you're like old? and then probably you'll forget your wonderful friends who you have around you now? You wun meet them everyday anymore. There will be no more school, each of you will walk different paths.

2.the video is quite good in the sense that it's quite real. one construction worker, one chef, one henpecked husband and the main character finally meeting after so long. shit it's really quite touching la.

3. my dad probably cried cos he was once a musician and he probably misses his old friends. well dad, go call them up and ask them out for a drink or smthg.

4.I really cannot imagine a reunion in 15 years time. but i am not going to live in the future, or the past. i'm loving the present and everyone should too.


Anyway just now had a good chat with a few friends online. Havent been online since dunno when. But feels so good to see the orange light blinking furiously at the bottom of the screen. hahaha. and feels good to have good convos :)

Not going to talk much. Just remember - be it 15 years, 30 years whatever, we will always be good friends... and we will have a reunion. many reunions of course.

In my predictions i did not predict my own future. Gen sam, with his usual authority, questioned:

Gen sam: why didnt you? If you cant predict yourself how can you predict your own future?
HC: cos i can observe others but i cant observe myself you _____head
Gen sam: -.-' you fackier
HC: you expect me to observe myself in the mirror all day long meh? you ___ head.

Sometimes I ask myself why i have a friend like samuel soh chih yuan. Since the day i met him i tot he had some circuits wrong up there. But honestly speaking i think he is a good man, just like all my buddies.

I wrote that samuel will be a henpecked husband but i actually meant that he will be a doting husband and loving father. hahahah. sounds incredible at this moment. He may be rude most of the time, and also quite slack at most times, and so obsessed with gym and reproduction that sometimes he's quite irritating. he's also very liberal with his language and his hand gestures. soemtimes i wish i could gag samuel and tie yix up. those 2 can drive you nuts.

but look at what he has done for the people around him.

for me, he took up thingsyoucando public relations which was the most demanding job in my opinion. he sacrificed.

he bakes cakes. some girls these days cant even enter the kitchen without contributing massively to global warming yet our dear samuel, aspiring general of the armed forces of the republic of singapore bakes cakes.

he does not boast. other than boasting about the size of his organs (which is still unprovened), he does not boast. quite amazing for a man.

he has the ability to make ppl around him happy. not many ppl can. ppl either emo to you or look gloomy all day long or appear too serious all too often but dear samuel acts stupid all day long to make ppl smile.

he is not overly competitive. in rj, we all too often see ppl being too competitive, setting high expectations of themselves and wanting to win win win. in the end, they just lose out, even if they win. samuel just wants to be himself. thats why i love playing risk with samuel. he never suans me if i am losing. he just asks me to do soemthing obscene that's all. he'll never go suanning ppl over how little soldiers you have left.

anway, nice convo with you samuel. good night, and good luck. and you're welcome.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What Chewy said

2 weeks ago, chewy told me something. Apparently he is a love guru or some sort. and he spends lots of time observing couples. He like some database for couples in RJ. He claims to know most RJ J2 couples.

And he told me very interestingly over dinner, that for most RJ couples, the girl is better looking than the guy. Key word here is most.

Now of course this may sound insulting to the guys and flattering to the girls. Hahahah. But being the impartial newpaper that prides itsef on searching for the deeper secret behind trends, Veritas Post brings you an exclusive interview with GU, a well-known sociologist to some. HC reports.

VP: Does the statement hold any truth at all?
GU: Apparently, it is true to some extent... I would say around 70% of couples can be classified under this statement. Of the remaining 30%, 15% would be that the guy is hotter, and the last 15% would be that the couple is generally recognised as being of equal hotness, so to speak.

VP: Wow... that clearly means something. Is this trend only applicable to RJC?
GU: Well, I cannot comment on this because of lack of observation of other couples outside RJ.

VP: Can you provide us with some explantion behind this mind-baffling trend?
GU: Well, let's assume that there are 100 students in RJ. Of which there are 50 guys and 50 girls. Let's split each gender into 5 categories, namely, scalding hot, warm, average, cold and freezing. What I suppose is happening in RJ is that the scalding hot girl pairs up with a warm guy, or say, a warm girl pairs up with an average guy. we seldom see a scalding hot girl pairing up with a freezing guy. So this means that the difference is quite subtle, and there is nothing to be worried about. The girls are not disadvantaged in any way.

VP: Well, why can't the scalding hot girls get the scalding hot guys then?
GU: One word... security. Girls prefer to be secure. Hence they would rather hook up with a less hot guy, so as to ensure the full fidelity of the guy towards her.

VP: Why are the hot guys able to attract the scalding hot girls then?
GU: Guys tend to look on the outside (physical). They are slightly more superficial. Girls, meanwhile, find themselves undeniably attracted to the other points of the guys, which might be humour, coolness, intelligence, style, rebelliousness, those kinda stuff, etc.

VP: Are you saying that girls don't have these values?
GU: Hold it man, I am not sexist! Girls have different values of course. E.g. politeness, courteousy, smartness, etc. But the problem lies with that guys tend to look more to the physical.

VP: If your explanation is true, does this mean that the freezing girls are doomed to a lifetime of singlehood?
GU: Of course not. Some guys like to look towards the inner beauty. But of course, the freezing girls shouldnt expect to hook up with a scalding hot guy.

VP: What about the scalding hot guys? Do they stand a chance with the girls since very few of the girls would dare to hook up with them?
GU: Well... They obviously will score with any girls that they want. Imagine you are a warm or scalding hot girl. If a scalding hot guy is interested in you, you'll not resist him right? Hence you'll feel flattered, and secure.In this case the guy will be able to score the girl. If, however, the scalding hot guy does not do the approach, it may be difficult for him, because most girls would not dare to approach him.

VP: I see. Thank you, professor, for your enlightening words of wisdom. Any last words?
GU: You're welcome. I would advise students to study hard and not engage themselves in these things all day long. Just mind your own business.

As the famed sociologist has said, it's good to mind our own business. No examples have been used.

HC's predictions

while I was taking my shower, i thought of something to blog about.

I'm gonna predict what my classmates and some of my friends will be in 15 years time. Why 15 years? cos one of my teachers recently told me to meet him/her in 15 years time... so i'm using 15 years.

In 15 years time, i can imagine ___ to be____ (please do not take this too personally or seriously, it's just for fun)

(in order of class photo)
1. Siti - director of some voluntary welfare organisation
2. navene - siti's colleague
3. wang jue - renowned food critique
4. jukhuan - high ranking civil servant
5. kristle - golf coach
6. grace - chemistry teacher
7. parvati - lawyer
8. goh tian - human rights think-tank researcher
9. lei ping - manager
10. joanne - full-time mother
11. chia ying - accountant
12. jayne - prada fashion designer
13. xue wei - magazine editor
14. wei xian - assessment book writer
15. ronald - politician
16.HC - ( )
17. mark yeow - dentist
18. muhd - police detective
19. sam yong - sports coach
20. yix - population planner
21. sam soh - henpecked stay-at-home dad (part-time fhm magazine contributor)
22. nigel - stock investor
23. gabby - history teacher
24. yong jing - dating agency director
25. zhuang - manager or bartender
26. fransisco - urban planner
27. jerome - poet
28. clara - tai tai or engineer


wah shiok.

finally after one week of sitting at my desk, feeding myself to female mozzies lusting after my fresh blood, finally the JC2 CT1 is over!

Immediately after the stupid physics paper i went to j8 to have a good meal with gabby, with the rest of the boys staying back in school to gym. -.-"

after lunch straight away went home to slack... first thing i did was of course to turn on my comp and open my flight sim X dexule edition and start playing.

at first I got a shock of my life, cos my $65 joystick wasnt working... Barely 8 months with me then spoil already? Wa lao, sian man. Went to my shelf and ransacked it, finding the stupid invoice which had the retailer's number on it. Then went to find for the stupid phone which was missing!?!? thats the problem with cordless phones.

After all that trouble, i decided (very smartly) unplug the hardware and reinsert it back into the usb... then it worked! Yea man! Although i felt very stupid going through the trouble but in the end, what matters is that i can finally play my flight sim X DE.


So, I tried out a couple of missions, which included one which i proudly did using a learjet at Sydney. The graphics quite realistic, of course, since FSX takes up 15gb ofspace, and I could see the famous monuments of the australian city immediately. Sydney Opera House and the bridge adjacent to it, and many towers of the city. Of course Captian Hu Ching flying the learjet completed the mission, managing land safely at Kingsford Smith Intl Airport with plenty of room left on the runway.

Hehehe... havent lost my touch after abstaining from playing for months! Absence certainly makes the heart grow fonder...

After sydney (which of course will be having earth hour in one weeks time, everyone please support this small act of symbolism, turn off your lights and all other electrical appliance on next saturday's night), i took some flights at my favourite airport in Hong Kong, one of my favourite cities, then at Hawaii, before trying out a helicopter mission and failing it... stupid helicopters... damn difficult to fly.

Anyway back to some reflections on the CTs... today during physics could not concentrate much at all... firstly because I was sitting right at the back of the sem room, and the teachers like to take strolls there... you think their footprints are very light is it?

secondly, there is the construction of the mrt or whatever going on near the sem room, making hell lot of noise, distracting everyone.

thirdly, i was fascinated by TGF, his antics seriously amazes me, and i spent at least 3 minutes looking at him. Even when i'm trying to recall some equations i will look up and see him. Funny guy.

fourth, was listening to the muttons of 987 last night, and unfortunately the song 'me love' by sean kingston kept running around my head.

fifth, the stupid lift makes a lot of noise.

sixth, the door keep opening and closing.

anyway, no use complaining. cos even with these kind of distractions, ronald chan will still own it (he's in the same room), so it's the person that counts. i'm noob, yea, so what huh?

going to blog more later... most likely not going to sleep much... got many ideas to blog about tonight... so stay tuned (if you're tuned in in the first place)

got some RJ stories to publish, and got some theories to share, and of course, some personal thoughts to tell you guys!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

March hols

is not really a holiday for J2s.

Am now eating lunch, taking a break from notes.

I dun really hate mugging or school, just that i question the fundamental purpose behind this.

I am going to found a new branch of academic study called social logic when i am of age.

And i recently thought of some new ideas, which I am going to put into my new books 'The Intangibles of Life' and 'Student Politics'. (probably to be written during NS days).

Ok just finished lunch.

Back to the notes.
my pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!