Wednesday, August 29, 2007

happy happy day

I am sooo touched and hapy today. So this entry is gonna be very detailed. I am write down every single detail so that i will never forget this wonderful day:)

i love my OG

My og is super evil, especially towards innocent people like me! When I went to school this morning, was feeling kinda sian cos of geog test. Then I went to the lodge, everything was looking normal as usual, didnt suspect a single thing. Lester doing his math or chem, evonna stoning, hilary doing tutorials, alex just talking around, doing nothing.

The Evonna started asking me questions about geog test. So i tried my best to answer lah. The Hilary was like, does anyone has a phone to lend me? Evonna started to (pretend to) search her bag. I was like, hmmm, ok, I lend you my phone! Took the phone out and then hilary went away. Well, according to alex, she was hiding behind the pillar all the time. Then slowly, the og ppl started coming. I mean like, ppl starting coming, and they havent came for a long time, so if they start appearing it must be something wrong rite? Yea. Ok, then i realised something was wrong.

They were waiting for cara, the most evil of the all to come. I really love my OGLs, they are having prelims now and dun really need to come to school cos they dun have h3, but cara came down! Shaf told me she would come down too, but she had to go airport and send her sister off or something, so she couldnt come! But anyways, thank you OGLs, though you are evil, you rock!

When they prepared eveything, they told me to close my eyes. So I did. Didnt want to spoil the surprise! When I heard val giggle i knew it was something evil liao.

Then Alex came and led me to the grass patch. Oh no. Alex said, on the count of 1 to 3, open your eyes. Oh no. 1,2,3! Oh no. Cold Cold. Packets of water bombs came crashing down on my vulnerable body. Even for a victim, I have to admit that it was fun:) Then alex brought me towel and a change of clothes. Thank you OG!

I love my class.

Physics was normal as usual, Mr se as usual arrowing me, but it doesnt matter. Then came the break. Oops.

For what happened at the parade square, we shall watch a video. However, the video is with gen sam. I was telling gen sam, his phone is so precious with all the videos and unforgettable memories, the band of brothers must ensure that it is never lost. After 2 years of JC, we must compile a video of all the videos we took in school, and we will cry in memory of the good times. Yix gaying, the geog guys dancing and singing in the lt, tricks of opening the toilet, and so many pcitures.

What happened next really really reallyyyyy touched me, I cant say in adequately in words. Perfect ten was paying friends forever just now, and i really must say, i love my love love my class! The girls made a birthday corner for me:) Sam Soh baked a cake! And the class lit up the cake with so many candles, it was so pretty!

After day we went back to class and took a class photo, with my face still covered with chocolate cake! Mr Lim was walking past and he helped take the class photo and he said to ms chan, this class doesnt seem to be in the promo mood. hmmmm, we are taking a break, mr lim! We wun disappoint you in promos:) And thank you all the teachers who wished me happy birthday- mrs cheang, ms chan, mr lim, mr (sexy baby) cheang, and mr se (mr se got a not huh? nvm, you rock too)

I love my frens, my brothers, my homies.

Thanks muhd for the frisbee and the ball. Thanks homies for the ball tshirt. It was really thoughtful of you guys. Although you guys have jacked, screwed, suanned, poked fun and did almost every terrible to me, we will still be homies forever. And thanks everyone who smsed me. Muhd, nick, yu jun, qi han, shi da, hilary, kevin "the rat" (the world became a better place 17 years ago, yea!), adrian (who suggested a cake but whose idea was rejected by the evil og that prefered water bombs - good luck for your german prelims!), shaf, ben, chong min - i hope i didnt forget anyone! And also thanks everyone who wished me while walking past - i cant remember all. I remember Arvind, the 4F ppl, the One Earth ppl, and so many other ppl who i just happen to know. And thanks y sum for the card.

And thanks mum and dad. Mum for giving birth to me, and dad for playing a part in the process. And sis too, i know you took care of me for 17 years.

Today was a good day.

Geog test finally over. Got into Oteam, but zhuang didnt get in, man its really unfair and wasted. Physics wasnt that bad, muhd got 25/25 imba please?

I felt the same way when isle results came out, was really sad and even angry. But it doesnt matter. We here with you zhuang. Joanne lei and myself got it for 6Q. When i felt the full brunt of injustice, I came out with my initiative for a self-initiated isle to Nepal and I bet its gonna be better than the boring ones that the school has been doing for years. Yawn. Nepal rox. Now I'm working with Ms Lim to design the programme, and I am gonna to only accept the isle rejects. So when we face injustice, the trick is not to feel sorry for yourself, but to fight back and show others what we are capable of! Yea. Life is unfair, but we can correct it. If Gandhi did it, why not me? moi? wo? watashi? Yes yes yes. 17 years and I have learnt much. Still much to learn though.

Tml got math test but i am hecking it. I still havent bathed and its 2310h. Yea, after school went for pastamania and swensens with yu jun, joel, zhuang and gen sam. And after that met up with alex and jason, went to somerset to meet with wilson for things you can do! This campaign is gonna rock some socks man. we are gonna help change the world for the better, no matter how small our difference!

Then after that went for dinner with mum dad and sis. I love you mum dad and sis. Sis drive the car back and mum and dad were having heart attacks. She just passed like 4 weeks ago and the standard of singapore drivers is really bad. I'm a cyclist and I know.

I feel happy and touched.

Smiles :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


the last week of every term is always the most hectic.

Anyway, mood has been improving, which is always good. On sun went to Ben's church on his invitation, though i have no religion, and understood a little bit more about the world. I'm always open. It's always good to see old friends. Met Chinks and Khar Suan there too, Singapore is amazingly small.

Sunday night watched man utd play spurs. frightening game, really. Was really hoping for a victory for the red devils, and we really did. Amazing goal from nani, robinson touched the ball but couldnt direct it away due to the sheer power of the shot.

Mum and Dad went to the wake of the SAF Capt today, apparently the Capt's dad is my dad's client. Makes me wonder (again and again), why is life so short?

When i saw charmander outside the canteen today, I thought about my primary school days when i was playing pokemon. whenever i play pokemon red version, i will always start with charmander. It seems that fire suits me the most. Arguably, squirtle the water guy is the strongest amongst the three, and bulbasaur the weakest. I still remember those days man.

5 years on, I hope I can look back and view my JC days with the same wonderful memories. Hmmm, I think I will:)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Of thoughts

i realised that my blog is quite different from other ppl's. I dun record daily events in my life in my blog. There is one reason for this: I am too lazy.

But there is one advantage of being lazy. When you laze around on the couch, you are practically doing nothing. So you get to think. And that was how the ancient Greeks became masters of geographic thought without even leaving their country. They sat around and thought. And thus, knowledge.

During physics lecture today,something strange happened. I fell alsleep, a really really deep sleep, and i dreamt abt physics. I ususally dun dream when i sleep, and when i dream, i usually dun dream of physics. But this time, I felt that a divine intervention is happening. Someone is trying to tell me something. Like trying to warn me that i am gonna die soon or something. Or someone close to me is gonna to die. So the divine soul is trying to tell me to do something to prevent a calamity.

I realised that I am stupid. Stupid because i dun even know that boy A liked girl B, even tho everyone around me knows. Btw, A and B are frens. But I dun even know. And that was back in Feb. And just now, on msn, one of my brotheres just told me that he confessed to his crush, but i realise i didnt know about it till 5 months later. And he said that everyone else knew. So, I suspect that there might be a problem with me somewhere. This problems prevents me from knowing obvious happenings.

Let's analyse the problem. Possibe factors:
1. I am blind, which i am not.
2. i am deaf, which i am not.
3. i am stupid, which i may be, but i would wish that i am not.
4. i am oblivious to happenings.

whoa, serious problem with my internal programming. Am I too technical, so technical that i am like a computer, unable to sense emotions around me. Am I too empirical, so empirical that I cant sense emotions. Am i too rational, so rational that I cant read ppl's minds? Am I so stupid, so stupid that I cant link premises to come forth with a conclusion? Am i so detached from the world?

oh crap. I think i am.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

a few good men to overthrow the tyrants

In this world, there are 3 types of men:

1. the extraordinary. People I respect.

2. the normal. People I like.

3. the cynical bastards. People I detest, hate, dislike, despise and have absolutely no respect for.

In my school, no doubt there are cocky people, people who are self-confident, sometimes overly confident. It doesnt matter to me. Cos whatever they do, they show me the respect i deserve. I always believe in having respect.

I am a very simple person. If you respect me, I will respect you. Simple.

However, some people are just over the limit, their arrogance simply exceeding the threshold of my tolerance. To be honest, I am already extremely tolerant. This is because my sister is a very good tester of one's tolerance with her antics. But I have respect for my sister, because she has respect for me, and I know it. But thats another story.

Today, I wanna talk about the third group of men. Being CCALs in a reputable institution of academic learning, some people's bloody ego is so freaking huge that i am amazed that their necks can even support their heads! What the hell? Absolute disrespect, i can take it. Its not as if I respect you. But you dun bloody hell go and complain about your winey whinny trivial shit in front of me. If you are capable, go and solve it. If you are not happy about being a CCAL, then bloody hell quit. If you feel that you have too much work, then bloody hell quit.

You like to talk so much, then go ahead. But not in front of me.

I am not going to insult your CCA, because I have friends in there. I am going to insult you.

You think you are damn funny, damn popular with girls. Screw off man. You are nothing. It's not as if you are so powerful. Let me tell you, i am not scared of you or your words or your shit.

Today was just a war of words. Today I was just defending, hence I wasnt on the offensive. But you better watch it, cos once I rally my troops, I swear you're gonna get it hard.

Come on, let's see how many gay fags can you rally on. Because once the real war begins, you are gonna learn a lesson. A lesson from me, called respect.

And you better learn it, before more people show you this: ..!..

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Dear reader,

If you are:
1. A good speaker who can connect to a large audience of est. 1000-2000 secondary schools students


2. Aware of environmental issues and would like to do your part for action against climate change in Singapore


What will you be doing?
You will be going down to secondary schools all around Singapore to give a 45 min talk on environmental protection in Singapore. The talk will be done during their assembly period, so the entire school will be listening to you. This also means that you will be given excuse to miss school.

What will I get/receive from this?
1. Free transport (taxi) fares from school to school.

2. CIP hours (for each school, 2 hours will be awarded, so if say, you deliver 5 talks at 5 schools, you will get 10 hours of CIP.

3. You will be paid. $4-5 per talk, courtesy of sponsors.

4. No added work is required except for attending a compulsory training after promos (one day professional training workshop on 6/10/2007 (sat)). The slides are already designed by the research and design committee, and contents of the talks are already prepared. Speakers are of course at full liberty to modify their scripts to fit their styles.

5. Recognition by the government. YES. Due to the campaign's large scale, the press will be covering it. This campaign is recognised by the NEA, a stat board under the ministry.

6. Most importantly, you will receive an once-in-a-lifetime experience, speaking to so many people at one time. And you are championing a worhty cause.

When will this be?
The talks will be conducted from 8oct to 2nov. Which means after promos.

Will be PW be affected?
No. It will not be affected in any way.

How many schools will you be doing?
It depends on you and your schedule. You can do as little as 1, or as many as 20, if your schedule permits you to do so.

How many schools will be the entire campaign be targetting?
80 secondary schools. Which translates to around 100,000 students.

You will need to send an email to Include your name, class, i/c no., contact no.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Trojan Horse

My comp is infected by a trojan. So now it will auotmatically, without me knowing, send a folder to everyone on my msn contact list.

A freaking trojan works using the same principle as a trojan horse. It will disguise itself as something harmless, like a picture file, to tempt people into downloading it. Pretty smart tactic.

If you receive anything like that, do not download it. If you already have, here are some mitigation measures i have thought up:
1. file the trojan file or folder and delete it manually. then empty your recycle bin.
2. immediately run a check using your anti-virus software.
3. using a cd or thumbdrive, backup all your important files on your comp.
4. if possible, you may want to reformat your entire drive.

I suspect that this trojan will not harm your comp too much. it just wants to spam everyone and irritate people.

I am so sorry if i had infected anyone with this trojan. i too, was infected with this unknowingly by my neighbour jonny, via msn.

This world is full of geniuses. Like the creator of this trojan, who has nothing else better to do. Thats why MIT needs to have an ethic and moral and civics course. Immoral geniuses are worse than saddistic retards.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


never trust anything. not even your handphone's alarm function.

cos it screwed up big time today.

was supposed to meet at 10am at ferry pt today, in the end, woke up at 1115h. WTF. immediately i used my very commonly practised brush-strip-change-pee technique and left the house in 5 mins time. This technique has been used dunno how many times by me already, since i am a notorious late-waker. last year play soccer at zhuang's was the same, meet friends also the same. next time got important appointment in the morning must set 5 alarm clocks at least.
last night i had a dream. i dreamt that there were 2 snakes in my house. or was it in school. one was a cobra. i killed it with a steel chair. the other snake killed me. it was a python. i think i am going crazy.

so we met at changi pt at 1215h- zhuang muhd and i. went for lunch then ubin. sorry zhuang for being late =(

never expected to go back to ubin so soon. after all, class adventure camp was just 2 weeks ago.

the shops scammed us. rised the bloody price for rental of bikes. +_)*&^$@@#$&.

today only cycled about 25 km. but it was fun.

came back, watched a bit of parade. the commandos, navy and air force looked good. especially the navy in their all whites. suai man. classy. smooth.

cos the sea tests the man.

i am learning sailing end of this year, after promos. not joking ah.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

for my country

ok i may not be some history professor, or some experienced political analyst, but let me tell you, proudly, that 42 years ago my country broke free from foreign rule and stood for itself.

i may not be lky's most fervent supporter, but let me tell you, for a man to do what he did, i must salute him. At that time, we had nothing. no money, no resources, not a very educated nation, but we had courage. not the courage to fight. as Asimov said, and i must repeat, violence is the first refuge of the incompetent. we had the courage to stand up when the time is right.

this is my country, and i will never ever let it down. i will never turn my back on this island. if one day any country attacks my nation, i will not hesitate to strap myself into a cockpit of a F-16 and tear the shreds out of the enemy. or arm myself with a SAR-21 and blow the bits out of the enemy. because on this island resides my sis, my mum and my dad. and if you dare hurt them, i will make you bleed.

and if anyone dares insult my country, i will insult your country back 20 times.

for the sovereignty of my country, i will fight.

for the people of my country, i will fight.

for the honour of my country, i will fight.

for my country, i will fight.

but of course diplomacy comes first. the pen before the sword.

victory is sweet

Man Utd won. Buckle buckley won. what else do i have to say? happy birthday singapore =)

National day

lol, today i woke up at 1.30pm, so i couldnt go out to orchard with the class. sorry dudes =/

anyway, i think i made a right decision 2 days ago, by not going for pulau sibu yet. cos if i went, i would have missed this 5 day break and i would have gg-ed myself. beautiful.

yesterday was quite fun, even though me mark and yix had to cheong out the final formatting for pw wr 1st draft. After that, the whole bunch of us went around the school doing fun stuff. raffles believe it or not, food, ihc matches, staff pictionary, walking around the school joking and laughing, nice.

just now i went for the most screwed up cycling trip in my life. first, i wanted to cycle to bishan library because i found out that i owe the national library 2 books. halfway, the crank detached itself from my freaking screwed up bike. ok fine, its not too hard to repair. after all, i had no spanner, no hammer. then after that, after cycling every 100m or so, i had to disembark and repair the stupid crank. my both hands were black like tar. when i (finally reach bishan j8), and was parking the bike, i realised that i left the key of my lock behind. so i had to cycle back to braddell road and retrieve the stupid key. the journey back was even worse. for a trip that would normally take me 45 min, i took 2 hours. might as well walk.

last night i tried playing fm with my tottenham team, but kept losing to middlesbrough. then i tried playing flight sim, but failed my hawaiian checkout mission because i misread the altimeter. after flying for 45 min to reach the freaking destination, i CRASHED!!! fish.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Time is tight. Very tight. But i still wanna blog a bit. The freaking geog term paper is freaking tedious. AND UN website stinks. And I am not doing Japan cos All the freaking Jap websites are in Jap and I obviously cant read Jap!!!!

Anyway, yestersay went back to school for scholarship day. Actually there's not much point really, cos my reasoning is, if someone doesn't like a particular schoarship/career path, one day aint gonna change his/her mind. Note that i included a her this time cos i dun want anyone to say I'm a MCP, though i am a fervent supporter of the theory that promotes the fact that males have superior (physical and other) abilities as compared to their female counterparts.

I think my mum is more enthu than me when it comes to schoarships and stuff. dad too, but he was overseas yesterday. My mum was like cheonging all the booths. Lukily I didnt follow her around - she went with her friend. So i was like with ronald, then jing zhou, then bing liang, then deshawn, then aiyah cant say all, too many liao.

Anyway I think I made my mum cry, when I told her I may consider being a fighter pilot. Yesterday the captain told me that RSAF pilots can transit to SIA after the 10 year bond period, and be a SIA captain straight-away. and SIA pilots can fly till 62 years old. 62 years old!!! thats amazing!!!

I'm sorry mum, but can you see that I wun appreciate a nice 9am- 8pm desk bound job, unlike you and dad? I cant stand seeing numbers, accounts, words, proposals, documents every single day - I'll go crazy. You cant expect me to wear black leather shoes, black socks, black pants, black belt, long sleeve shirt, comb my hair neatly every day. I cant have this kinda job. Even if I have a job that requires me holding a pen daily, I want to travel overseas every once in a while. i want to go US for a conference this week, then to the middle east for a meeting the week after, and to europe for a presentation the month after.

When I grow up i may have to leave the country more often than you think, mum. I'ld want to go overseas for undergrad studies, thats for sure. Its not that I dun want to stay at home everyday, but I want to see the world. I'm born to travel. You passed on these travelling genes to me, they belonged to grand-dad, but were not present in you. Thats why I love geog so much.

I cant keep still, mum. I need to ride my bike, fly my kite, kayak, hike every once in a while. I need expeditions to keep myself alive.

Mum you dun have to worry that I will leave you alone when you're old, cos i wun ever do that. And besides, Sis will be in Singapore. She aint the travelling type. She likes the notion of a home. If I'm away, she can keep you company. And you'll have dad beside you. and besides again, you and dad can go on romantic holidays when both of you have retired. Enjoy the cottages of Wales, the castles of Germany, the beaches of Spain, the temples of Greece, the mountains in China, the pyramids of Eygpt. That time, when you travel, I'll pay.
my pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!