Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
this weekend has made me think
The places where i've visited this weekend, the ppl whom i've met made me reflect a little bit.
1. on fri, during the dinner.
2. on sat, when i went down to bayer offices.
3. when i met jia wei, the phD whiz.
4. when i went to lunch with previous batches byees.
5. when my mum told me what my teachers said of me.
6. when i went down for the branch event at SBWR.
7. when we rushed back to launch the counter strike.
8. when i was talking to _____ & dr._____
9. when i spoke to anandraj from nus about uni research.
10. when i went for ecoguide briefing.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
lessons from a board game
i learnt the importance of winning with humility, losing with graciousness, and fighting with determination.
i also learnt that all's fair in love and war is not true.
i also learnt that you do not need to spend money to get fun, laugher, and joy.
i also learnt that arrogance is the most worthless thing on Earth.
i also learnt the significance of teamwork.
i also learnt that pride goes before a fall.
i also learnt that you should listen to only your mind, not to your heart and not to your balls.
i finally learnt that victory is sweet.
Monday, October 22, 2007
a follow-up
A nice person he may be, a smart student he may be, he is not a good teacher. He lacks the basic qualities of a teacher, and that is understanding, patience and firm-ness when required.
He has given me the permission to say what I wish to say about him, and I will. I cannot blame him, as I have mentioned earlier. But if I could, I would wish to slap him.
3 hard times.
When I went back to him for consultation furing the Septemer holidays, I brought along a thick file of chem notes, filled with post-it notes. Siti and Jukie can testify for me. I went to him, humbled myself, asked him desperately to explain some important terms and concepts to me.
HC: Hey, can you please explain this for me?
CMY: no.
At that point of time, what else could I do? I was like a beggar, begging him for enlightenment, of which he dispensed little to me.
Compare that to Mr Koh, who patiently explained the questions to me when i went back for consultation before the CTs.
It is not his fault. He arranged for extra lessons, he tried to be serious, he spammed emails with notes, he planned extra questions, he bought chocolates. Maybe his style did not suit me or my class.
The bottomline is: I screwed my chemistry, a subject which I have absolutely no passion for, big time, and CMY is just coincidentally my chem teacher.
I have let down a lot of people. Teachers, yes. Friends, yes. Parents, yes. And most importantly, myself, yes.
Why and how did this happen, i know. I know exactly the reasons. I can only blame myself. Not any teachers. Not any lecturers. Not the heavens. Only myself.
Only I can say whether I did well or not. And i am saying right here, right now, that i did not do well. I did not perform to my capacity. I did not fufill my expectations. And this feeling sucks.
Who knows what I have been through? On the very first day of the week-long examinations, I return home, only to realise that I have defined ageism as ageing population. I held the dictionary in my hands, my feet shaking, my body trembling, my mind trying to stay calm. I knew i was in deep shit. There was no way i could pass my GP essay. I have let Ms Chan down deeply. I do not really know what her expectations for me were, but I was on form for my essays in term 3 and 4. And on that monday afternoon, I had lost it all.
I was heavily demoralised, but what was I to do? What was over was over, and I was to pay for my fatal mistake. It took a hell lot of resolve to get back into studying. If there was something I could learn from this experience, it was resolve and determination. It was picking yourself up after a setback and fighting hard again. I can tell you that although I may not be the toughest fighter out there, I may not be the smartest student, or the most hardworking, but having been exposed to so much shit since young, I am one of the most adaptable.
I felt that I have not reached my expectations of all my subjects. This is really disappointing. I think many people are feeling the same way about their respective marks.
What exactly went wrong?
Inadequate preparation, yes. I started studying 3 weeks before the start of promos. A fatal mistake. I had to read all the notes from scratch, because I had not been paying attention during tutorials and lectures. I slept in class. I talked in class. The 3 weeks were hardcore, but they were not enough. Consistency is far more important. I started far too late.
Like what KK said, many people spent too much time in front of the computer. I cannot agree more.
Complacency did also play a part. Especially for guys, whose egos are ususally bigger.
Ego. What a word. I admit that I indeed have a huge one. It is good, at times. It gives you self-confidence. It makes you walk straight, with your back straight, with your eyes looking up, not at your shoes. It gives you style. Posture. Charisma.
But it is also bad. Very bad. My geog teacher said, he doesnt want to give my essays any more marks for fear of inflating my ego. wth. But i shall accept it, as i have done so with all the shit my short life have presented to me so far.
I suddenly feel very tired. I do not feel like writing this piece anymore. When I make a comment, some people think that i am full of shit.
These people are immature. They havent seen half the world out there.
I only speak the truth. My comments, if you like it, fine. If you do not like it, fine too. I do not have to listen to these people.
Since young, when my dad brings me out to meet those old lawyer dudes and business people at those social parties, I have been listening. And I have been listening hard. And one evening with these people can change your perspective on life.
For me, they have. My outlook on life is therefore different from most teenage boys.
Why did the Greeks execute Socrates in 77BC?
If you know the answer, you will accept my words.
On this rainy evening of doom and gloom,
I fare you well upon a journey of hell.
I only have a message for my detractors:
I may be defeated, but I will be back.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Risk is a really educational game. Other than learning abt geography (which is very very important), we learn about risk taking, stragetic planning, alliance forming, dice rolling, etc.
I played 3 games today. Wild boar, after beating me during the first game and forcing me to concede the 2nd (since it was time for physics lecture) decided (wisely) to not play the 3rd game. Instead, Gabby and Muhd entered the fray against my blue troops.
The 1st game with wild boar was not good. I started quite well, managing to invade the Dark Continent (Africa) and Latin Amercia, before conquering Europe and attacking North America. However, with some really good dice rolling, the wild boar attacked (hard) and whacked my troops into dispair. We had to seek refuge in Harry Truman's land.
My blue troops were severly outnumbered. wild boar had achieved domination of Asia, Oceania, Africa and South Amercia. With his stronghold in Venezuela and Iceland, I could not fight back.
Second game was a tough and very even fight between wild boar and me. Using key places like Middle East, Egpyt and Northern Africa, the fight was difficult. My europe was under attack. (See the video above). Wild boar and his advisor.
Third game was longest and arguably the most exciting. Started off with gabby muhd and I.
Using Australia to back my Siam troops, I defended Asia from Gabby's green army. Using also Southern Europe to attack Africa, I expanded my blue troops into Africa. The blue empire strtched across South Asia all the way to Europe. We are strong. (see above)
The muhd and gabby decided to form an alliance against me! Fine. The brave and gallant blue troops fought hard, just like the Spartans in the Battle of Thermopalae (spelling not sure) when King Leonidius's (spelling not sure) 300 spartans soldiers fought against Xerxes' many many Persian soldiers. With Gabby attacking from Greenland, Afghanisation and Ural, and muhd attacking from the South, my troops could not withstand such heavy fire.
hahah Risk is such a fun game.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
the lectures are so freaking longgg. Cant take it already. Actually they should just return the promos lor, so that those who did badly will pay more attention, and those who did well will also pay attention (cos they're already hardcore muggers by nature). 1.5 hours of maths or physics or chem or even even geog just bores me like siao.
boring. boring. boring.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Welcome tourist!
We shall start our tour at Raffles Junior College, where you will see young kids rehearse hard for their Project Work Oral Presentations.
After that, we head down to J8 for lunch!
Very soon, your tour guides will arrive. Oh, they're soaked in the rain! hahah.
We shall shop around j8 for about 1 hour, then take the train down to Orchard. At this point, please be reminded to bring along your NETs or Credit Card, for its extremely vital to have either one in your wallet before you head for orchard!
Once at Orchard, follow Tour Guide Zhuang and Banker Samuel around. They're very very exprienced shoppers, although their taste may be weird at times. Samuel is especially fond of military colours (freak!) and black/grey/brown and thick jackets. Zhuang's taste is quite good, I have to say. If you like Polo tees, stripes, and jeans, short pants, all kinds of tshirts, sunglasses, caps, flip flops, shoes, baiscally everything, you can follow these 2 ppl around.
We will pass through all the major shopping centres all the way from orchard to somerset. It's a long tiring journey, so make sure you're in comfortable shoes!
After dinner, we head for more shopping! Shop shop shop. Havent got enough cash? Try window shopping (the zhuang way). If you're evil like samuel, you can go shop to shop and try on their newest clothes, then just return the clothes after trying and leave the shop.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
me again!
Shouldnt talk about work, should talk more abt my life. Yea. My life is brilliant.
Friday night, jonny and melvin supposed to come over for some cards, but for some reason or another jonny said, i'm outside having dinner, then, i'm still outside, then, I'm home, buti'm tired, so instead, went over to mel's house to watch GOAL on his ultra large screen TV. Quite a good movie, inspiring no doubt, but quite lame.
Saturday afternoon, went out with mum to get my phone! oh yea finally, after a long wait, after so much time on researching, looking thru my past bills to find the mobile plan that would suit me best, after going thru the SE website to compare so many phones and prices, talking to ppl abt their models, finally got my phone. I only use Sony Ericsson. I
Next up will be the new bike and clothes!
Sunday morning went to botanical gardens with li jian, samuel and the bayer ppl, had to film a video. Whoa freak, I had to be the first to be filmed. Havent memorised the script yet and I had to go first. Luckily the director was quite patient and funny. If having a camera staring at you isnt bad enough, try the public's attention. Thanks lah. I know you ppl want to look at me, but then hor, I doing video leh, it's already hard to concentrate.
After 3 hours of filming, went to have lunch with li jian at some cafe that tze wei recommended, since we were already at coro. (samuel that ri boy went to macs at king albert's instead). Had a really good talk with li jian over an hour long lunch. And it's super value for money. Have to bring your friend there if you're at coro. Its called Prince Coffee House or something like that, students meal onyl at $6 (choice of chicken/pork/steak + soup +free flow of soft drinks). Ambience was ok too, tho it's a bit dark...
After reaching home and napping for i dunno how long, went to play soccer at the field. Havent been there for months! Glad to see all the old faces there. Things are still the same. The muddy pitch, the usual boys stuff, spitting freely as and when you wish, yelling at each other, then going to uncle joe's for drinks.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
my dream
Hmm, today i shall talk abt my dream.
I dreamt that I was having this journal. And i was passing it around to frens, asking them to write something in it. all the messages were short. and then, as i was flipping thru the pages, i noticed that somebod wrote something quite long. a few paragraphs. this somebody said that i had a problem. then i was asking what problem what problem?? then the person say you seriously have a problem, without telling me what problem exactly.
i was puzzled.
when i went to school, i really wanted to ask this person, so what's the problem? but then i know, it's a dream. if i ask the person, the person will just think i'm crazy.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
I am now unable to differentiate the real life and my dreaming life.
Since the end of promos, i find myself being subconsciously unaware of the 2 separate universes.
My dreams, of that i'm certain, is informing me of something. The question i must answer is, what thing?
I am tempted to re-open my secondary school philosophy journals and start reading through what I've written about dreams. I am tempted to do some research on Sigmund Freud. In 1900 he published his landmark work The Interpretation of Dreams, in which he argued that dreams are disguised manisfestations of repressed sexual desires. hahahahahahah. what a joker. lol.
anyway, what's so scary about my dreams is not about sexual desires, but rather about whether or not something has occured in real life or in dreamland for me. I am confused.
Friday, October 5, 2007
One last post for tonight

That is a beauty. So divinely glorious. A brand new Boeing 777-300ER (extended range) from Cathay Pacific. Note the brand new paint job. Look at the swept-back wings without winglets. Wings that can withstand a elastic limit of 35 degrees. This means that the turbulence can practically throw the wings up and down with the fuselage remaining at the same altitude (remember Newton's 1st law: a body moving in a linear blah blah law of inertia whatever cos physics is freaking tough). Ok, the wind can throw the wings up and down while the body remains at the same position, and the wings can be pushed up 35 freaking degrees. OMG. a piece of genius really...
With the arrival of the b777s, Cathay can now specialise into its long haul operations, hence being able to compete with the likes of my beloved SIA and other long haul operators like United, Lufthansa, British Airways, etc. But seriously, i think the only airline that SIA should fear is Cathay. and perhaps Emirates. But i'm not too concerned about Emirates tho. Emirates is not established through hard work, it just has rich owners pumping money into it. It's just like Chelsea. SIA is like Man Utd. Cathay, perhaps Real Madrid. and British Airways? maybe Liverpool. Chelsea is good, but once Jose leaves, ohhh, GG. So SIA go go go, I will always support you. Just dun increase fuel surcharge too much.
But at the same time, the jet is perhaps one of the most pollutive machines on Earth. How ah? I also dunno leh. I am facing a dilemma. But actually, there's a solution to this. The answers lies in politics (aka Structuralist Geography). Politics? How the hell is it even related? Let me slowly explain...
The reason why jets consume so much fuel is because they are unable to take the shortest route to their destinations. Some countries refuse to open their air space, resulting in airlines having to plan their flights around a certain country. So, if the politicians open up their airspace, we can save a lot of oil. Simple? yea.
And add that to human ingenuity. Jet designers are now able to use composite materials to build more efficient jets, hence consuming less fuel.
Ok, enough of talking. My keyboard just told me it's getting tired.
Sigh... I shall end now with a wishlist. I wish, i had S$1,000 now. For what? For:
1. A good bicycle with front suspension, shimano click gears, shimanov-brakes and titanium frame. Actually aluminium alloy frame will suffice. Cost? $400
2. A nice sony ericsson 3.2 megapixel cam new phone. cost? dunno leh. should be around $300 (sign contract lor)
3. A model 15:1 scale full metal 747 Cathay, 777 singapore airlines and concorde British Air planes from takashimaya. $1,00.
4. Free cash so that i can go borders and spend $pend $$$$pend. One full day at borders, cost $2,00.
That should settle it. Crap. Why am I sounding like sis ah? so spendthrift-.- Heck. My sis is one happy person, and the reason behind her smile is not a fat bankbook. It's cos she buys happiness (literally)
Some thoughts
was feelin sleepy, decided to go sleep, then suddenly, my dad say go pour him a drink. So i went to the fridge, took out the jug of ice cold water, and poured him a cup, and decided to pour myself a cup, then after drinking it, turned awake again. crap. so decided to blog somemore since my comp is still on.
1. If i screw up my a level, I am going to enrol myself into flight school IMMEDIATELY.
2. If no airline wanna employ me, I am gonna join the crew of some racing yacht.
3. If no skipper wanna take me, I am gonna join the crew of the Royal National Geographic Society, hopefully some seasoned geaographer will take me as his/her apprentice on some assignments.
4. If seriously seriously all options fail, then i'm gonna open an adventure school (in dunno where, but definitely not in Singapore)
5. If seriously the tsunami of dread does not recede, then i gonna be a tour guide/broker (not the stock broker of course, the kind of broker that brokers real deals like in John Grisham's "The Broker"). No choice liao.
6. Worse come to worse then at most invest in currencies and stocks from home lor.
So, whats the big deal? Life has so many billion trillion zillion options, it's just whether we wanna take it or not...
Btw, jenny by the click five is a good song. so is i'm yours by jason mraz.
Some comments
1. Whats wrong with jay chou man? yesterday i watched secret with a few frens at yix's, and seriously jay chou has a few problems... (SPOILER ALERT!)
a. he dao the chio girl in his class who actually likes him for a less chio 'ghost'. man he needs glasses.
b. he actually damaged his bicycle when going back to school during the last scene.
c. he dunno how to even ask the construction ppl to stop work when he went back to the piano room, and in the end killed himself for his foolishness.
anyway, i seriously think the long hair pony tail girl in the movie chio-er than the one jay chou like, so MARK and GABBY if you're reading this, you cant whack me with the cushion now. hahahahahah.
anway, away from soapy lovey dopey dovey movie stuff, here are some comments on open house:
a. i seriously think open house is a good way to network, socialise and make new frens and get to know old ones better.
b. we transformed our booth in 1.5 hours. i myself cant believe it but here it goes proving that teamwork, planning, innovation and on-the-spot improvisation is so dam crucial to doing something well.
c. li qian and nai chien are seriously dam smart. The only ppl who answered 5 quiz qn correctly.
d. some people seriously cant read. throw paper into metal recycling box.
Some other comments:
a. PW is stupid.
b. i need to kick around some soccer ball in a real match real soon, if not i will go crazy
c. i am super tired now.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
did not want to go back to school today... and did not. Why should we? Prepare for open house? nah.
yesterday we did up our one earth booth board, and when i went home and thought over it, decided that it was not up to standards. Not up to our standards. People do not set us standards; we set the standards for ourselves. People do not judge us; we judge ourselves. The only judgement that should affect you should come from yourself. Not from others.
Anyway, no choice. Have to go down to school tml early to re-do it.
The reason why we did not really do a really nice board was not because we could not, but we did not wish to. Why then, did we did not wish too?
1. Our booth is on second storey. Who on this Earth will come?
2. We have to focus on other things too. Other than the booth, we have recycling boxes and the quiz to prepare for... and perhaps we are the only one with nice prizes to give out... Dun anyone dare kao pei me and say that the effort is not there because the effort is THERE! In order to secure the prizes, I had to correspond with the NEA officials since 2,3 months ago, and in order to prepare the quiz questions, we had to bloody brainstorm for so long.
3. The booth. Many CCAs spam their booths with info. We choose not to. Is that a problem? You see, the difference between us and the rest is simple: we think from the point of view of the VISITOR. The visitor will want something interesting to do on the spot, and who on earth will wanna read tons of info on the board??????
Nevermind. We shall do our best. Our board will be good. The reason for doing it well is not to please anyone, but to live up to ourselves. Remember, I dun do things to bloody please others, I do it answer to myself. Call this ego if you want, I call it my guiding principle.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
3 hours of wiki
woke up at 7.30
Dinner at 7.30
turned on the comp at 8.
By 8.30, finish checking inbox.
By 8.45, finished printing necessary stuff
By 9, could not think of an essay to write in response to one of my mail. decided to do another day. (guiding principle: "you cant force an essay, you invite it onto your paper." You must seduce it, tempt it and slowly translate your ideas into prose. Have you seen the Thai ladies making silk? They slowly pull out the silk from the cocoons. Similarly, for words too.)
By 9.15, finished bowl of (extremely sour) fruits.
By 9.30, sent out a couple of emails.
By 10, decided to head for my fav site, wiki.org
Here are some interesting stuff from wiki.org:
-Haneda Airport in Tokyo is 4th busiest in the world, despite serving only 2 (yes, read:2) international locations). Comparatively, Changi is 23. Sian, still long way to go to the top.
-"Homo" in homo sapien means "man". "Homo" in "homosexual" means "same". Like homogenous. Why? Because homo is both Greek and Latin. In the 2 languages, it shares different meanings.
- "The lives of many historical figures including Socrates, Alexander the Great, Lord Byron, Edward II, Hadrian, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Donatello and Christopher Marlowe included or were centered upon love and sexual relationships with people of their own sex. Terms such as gay or bisexual have been applied to them" (from wiki). Alexander the Great, ruthless conqueror, was gay? Julius Caesar (et tu brute?), unifer of Rome, was gay? Socrates, mentor of Plato, was gay? Donatello (not the turtle), ingenius artist, was gay? Michelango (not the turtle), famous sulptor, was gay?
- Physiological differences in gay men and lesbians:
Recent studies have found notable differences between the physiology of gay people and straight people. There is evidence that:
-The functioning of the inner ear and the central auditory system in lesbians and bisexual women are more like the functional properties found in men than in straight women (the researchers argued this finding was consistent with the prenatal hormonal theory of sexual orientation.[84]
-The startle response (eyeblink following a loud sound) is similarly masculinized in lesbians and bisexual women.[85]
-Three regions of the brain (medial prefrontal cortex, left hippocampus, and right amygdala) are more active in gay men than straight men when exposed to sexually arousing material.[86]
-Gay and straight people emit different armpit odors.[87]
-Gay men have, on an average, slightly longer and thicker penises than straight men.[91]
-Finger length ratios between the index and ring fingers may be different between straight and lesbian women.[92][93][84][94][95][96]
and more:
Cognitive differences in gay men and lesbians
Likewise, recent studies have found notable differences between the cognitive features of gay people and straight people. There is evidence that:
Gay men and lesbians are significantly more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous than straight men and women;[97][98][99] Simon LeVay argues that because "[h]and preference is observable before birth[100]... [t]he observation of increased non-right-handness in gay people is therefore consistent with the idea that sexual orientation is influenced by prenatal processes."[81]
Gay men and lesbians are more verbally fluent than heterosexuals of the same gender[101][102] (but two studies did not find this result[103][104]).
Gay men are better than straight men at object location memory (no difference was found between lesbians and straight women).[105]
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
my mum's worst fears about her son
2. that he will be killed while riding his bicycle
3. that he will be killed while crossing the road
4. that he, when he grows older, instead of settling down with a girl, goes to tibet to seek enlightenment from the dalai lama.
5. that he will leave home for 1 year to fufill his childhood dream of cycling from singapore to paris.
i think that's all. Just now i said i was tired, and i was, so i went to brush my teeth, but then the energy came back.
note: the timing for this post is accurate it is 2.26 am tuesday oct 2nd now.
Monday, October 1, 2007
at 2am
another quote from me. Anyway, today i was sleeping at the beach the entire morning, hence i am wide awake now. i tried lying down on my bed but my mind started wandering about.
the time now, according to my baby g made in thailand watch, is 1.53 am. wow. and somemore tml (i mean later on today) i'm going back to school for a meeting.
anyway, i just wanna write down a few things lest i forget them, which i dun want to.
1. "Why do you want to change nature?" (dad to remy)
"Change is part of nature" (remy to dad)
Of the entire movie ratatouille (correct spelling rite?) I can only remember this line. I like this line. Classic. I remember 2 years ago, in a gloomy RI classroom, Mrs Kua MK was having chemistry lessons with 3F. And she emphasised the concept of 'change'. Back then i didnt know the importance of change, but now i do. I finally do. Thank you mrs kua for that valuable lesson.
2. my mum. ever since the end of promos i have been stoning in my room, doing nothing but playing fm, flight sim, surfing the net and reading. My mum had hoped that i would help out with some housework. I did not. sorry. But i will do so soon.
So what did my mum want me to do?
1. Trim the tree. She wants me to take the saw, climb up the ladder and trim off a top branch of her precious bouganvillae (spelling not sure) plant. The plant, fyi, is 3 metres tall and by climbing up to that branch i am risking my life cos:
a. I might fall into the drain that is directly below
b. In the process of falling, slice off my throat with that dangerous saw
c. Get pricked by the stupid thorns of the plant (have you ever seen those thorns before? they're like rhino horns sticking out and boy they're sharp)
2. Change the light bulb. Not just any light. its the tallest light in the house, and to reach it, its almost impossible. I have to spread out the ladder carefully between each steps of the staircase and position it so that it remians in equilibrium while I climb up 2 metres to reach the light which my sister blew.
And my dad?
3. wants me to pack up my room. Ironically, my room is already the neatest around here.
Ok,enough of complaining.
i feel tired already.
On gays in society
Angry that the media is targeting a man, a brilliant teacher, a humble educator, for admitting that he is gay.
That teacher is Mr. Otto Fong, and he taught me science during sec 1 and 2. And he was the one who developed my liking for physics. It was he who showed me encouragement whenever my form dipped. It was he who showered praise whenever my form peaked. And he, I can safely say, is one of the best teachers in the whole of Raffles Institution.
Never once did he display any act of indecency. Never once.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, as long as the subject behaves properly. I have always felt that a homosexual is born homosexual. Don't bring me the religious point of view. I will not argue against it but i will not accept it. Think about it. Ask yourself, are you a homosexual? If your answer is no, do you think you will become a homosexual one day? Obviously not. If you are born not gay, you will not turn gay. Simple as that. If you are born gay, you can't change it. You can force yourself to act not gay but you won't be happy.
If I can remember my biology properly, i would say that there is a homosexual gene. And most likely this gene is recessive, for homosexuals belong to the minority. It is therefore, not influenced by external conditions/variations. A gay is born gay, not made gay.
Of course there are some sick, perverted people who display extreme acts of homosexuality. These people are mostly despotic females who think that being lesbian and kissing each other is hot. It is not. It makes my insides turn upside down. If we must discriminate, let us discriminate against these sick people. These people do not deserve our respect.
We live in a society that does not discriminate against race, language or religion. This society, then, should not discriminate against sexual orientation. It is not their fault that thay are born this way.
I feel that Mr Fong did the right thing in admitting that he is gay, because there is nothing wrong with being honest. He did not want to deceive the people around him. Maybe he heard the people arounf him cracking jokes about homosexuals. Is it his fault if he wanted to put an end to that? By admitting he is gay, he will no longer have to suffer by hearing such jokes. I guess that it must be really painful to force yourself to laugh to such jokes all the time in order to create the impression to others that you are not gay.
I am glad that Headmaster Koh has showed decisive leadership in terminating his suspension. Mr Fong, in my opinion, should not be sacked.
Today i shall share a few with you readers.
"We are not rebels. We are revolutionaries."
"Courage manifests itself discreetly. "
(Courage shows its face at the least expected places. Most of the time it appears as moral courage, which is easy to identify, and easy to forget, yet hard to achieve)
"Bold acts without thinking are not acts of courage. They are, in fact, acts of mere foolishness."
I have many theories. Yet i feel that these theories, mostly theories regarding human nature, may appear offensive. I have discussed many of these theories with my friends, and it is best for these theories to remain where they currently belong - in the minds of these friends.
Your face would be -.- by now. hahah. lame. crap.
However, in order to remember these theories, I must record them down. Hence I shall only publish the titles of my theories today.
theory 1- Indicators for losers (whoa, sounds rude)
theory 2- On the relationship between being pretty and being slutty (whoa, highly offensive but accurate)
theory 3- Reasons why people tend to become screwed up (whoa, sounds dangerous)